Family Ties

Joan Oleck wrote an amazing story about her daughter from Russia and how Joan cherished the bond with her daughter’s birth parents. She would write to them and connect with them. The adoption was a forever act and a part of that was knowing what her daughter would have faced if her family would have parented her. Through writing with the birth family, Joan discovered that her daughter’s siblings had been adopted close by. She reached out to them to establish a bond for her daughter that most internationally adopted children do not get. Please read the article to see the full emotional journey Joan and her daughter’s birth family traveled together.

Beginnings: How Families Come To Be

Beginnings: How Families Come To Be is written by Virginia Kroll. 51ZFX94G8XL._SX430_BO1,204,203,200_This book is a great read for your adoptive child. It tells the story of six children who were all experience adoption or the birth of a child in various ways.

  • It begins with Ruben who was the first child born to his family.
  • Second is Katherine Grace who was adopted from Korea. Her parents did not travel to meet her, but she was brought to the United States. Within the story they are adopting again from South America. They also discuss Katherine Grace’s name change and why the family chose it.
  • Mark is being raised by his Uncle after his mother passed away during child birth. His Uncle is a single father and often tells Mark stories of his mother so that Mark can know her.
  • Olivia was adopted domestically. Her birth parents were students that could not afford to care for a child. The birth parents decided to place Olivia with a single mother that they have a special bond with. The birth parents helped choose Olivia’s name and continue to have an open adoption.
  • Habib was placed domestically. The birth and adoptive family shared a family doctor. The doctor was aware of the situation of the expectant mother and suggested Habib’s parents. This was also completed within the same culture making it unique.
  • Nicole was a Foster Child. Nicole is an older child who must use a wheelchair. This made it hard for her to place, but when the right family found her, it was perfect.

Children come into their families in a variety of ways, but what is most important is that they do and they experience all the love, care, and nurturing they need. Some of the children have experienced things adults cannot even begin to believe. But in the right family, in the family that is willing to accept this child into their hearts, that child can thrive.

You can find the book for purchase on

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The Archibald Project

The Archibald Project is an excellent resource for education about adoption journeys and orphan care programs around the world. They tell their story through articles, photos, and videos. They strive to educate the world on orphan stories and needs. The Project also works to bring good will to orphans globally through providing clothing, fresh water, education, and other needs. You can watch a short video on everything they have accomplished: 

But also take a look of the adoption stories through domestic, international, and foster care adoptions. One article features a domestic adoption  family, after two long years they welcomed home a newborn son. Read more about the Keywood familly here

A Birth Mother Shares Her Thoughts On Adoption

The Huffington Post had an article last year titled What One Woman Wishes She Had Known Before Placing Her Child For Adoption. They interviewed a birth mother who was open, honest, and truthful in her experiences though she states this was her experience and may not be that of any other birth parents. If you are a birth parent considering adoption, this is a great read that gives insight into the experience from someone who has developed an adoption plan. Also she has great suggestions on how to prepare to place a child and creating a support system is one of the biggest.

A quote from an unknown author about the power of a birth mom. Placing children does not mean giving them up, but making sure they are in the best loving environment possible. The children placed are not forgotten by their birth parents, they are an important piece in their lives and hearts.

All parties an adoption have the utmost love and dedication to the child being placed. Because of this Families United ensures that a separate social worker is available for both the birth and adoptive families. We want everyone to feel they have an advocate and someone to turn to with questions and concerns at any time of day or night. We are dedicated to helping our families through this emotional process with as much ease as possible.