Open Adoption: Blended Family Concept

The video shows how open adoptions can morph and change into what the families want it to be. In this case, the family is trying a blended approach where the birth mother is very present in the life of her son and is considered a part of their family. Check it out and hopefully it will shed light on both sides of the domestic adoption process as well as the limitless options of an open adoption.

Adoption today is not hidden from children, we often find that the child knowing where they come from and of their roots leads them to have less questions later in life. This is one of many reasons that Families United promotes open adoptions because it is in the best interest of all parties.

Placing vs. Giving Up

When placing a child for adoption it is exactly that, placing. This is the term used by professionals because when an adoption plan is created it is does not mean that the birth parents do not care for and love their child. Birth parents did not give up their child, but rather they are placing their child in the hands and hearts of someone who will care for their child in ways they cannot.  The words “giving up” would have been an apt way to describe adoption processes throughout history, where there would no longer be contact and was commonly done without the birth parent’s informed decision. This is a different view of adoption, one that professionals have tirelessly worked to turn into the open and honest process that it is today. Here is a video about “placing” versus “giving up”:

Adoption is not about giving up a child, but rather placing the child in a better situation than the one a mother can provide. Birth mothers’ do not decide to place because they are selfish or unloving. They love their baby so much they see a great future for them that, at this time, they […]

Did My first mother love me?

719PJZVHX4L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_This is a book by Kathryn Ann Miller that we recommend for all adoptive families to read to their adoptive children. It is written in the form of a birth mother’s letter to her baby before she was born. It describes all the wonderful things she wanted for her baby that she could not provide so as much she loved her baby girl, she made the hard decision to place her with a family that could. Then, in the back of this children’s book it gives advice on how to discuss adoption with your child when they reach the questioning stages. To find the book please follow this link:  Did My First Mother Love Me?

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A birth mother is a selfless and caring person, she puts the wants and need of her child above her own and has a deeper understanding of the role she has begun. It is our mission to help birth mother’s with the emotional journey that adoption places them on.