Family Ties

Joan Oleck wrote an amazing story about her daughter from Russia and how Joan cherished the bond with her daughter’s birth parents. She would write to them and connect with them. The adoption was a forever act and a part of that was knowing what her daughter would have faced if her family would have parented her. Through writing with the birth family, Joan discovered that her daughter’s siblings had been adopted close by. She reached out to them to establish a bond for her daughter that most internationally adopted children do not get. Please read the article to see the full emotional journey Joan and her daughter’s birth family traveled together.

Giving New Purpose to a Suitcase

You may have seen this recent commercial released by Adopt US Kids. It is great to see the journey of one girl through the foster care system in such a short amount of time. If you would like more information about becoming a foster parent either with Families United Network, Inc in Pennsylvania, you can find the contact information of each of our 5 foster care offices at our website. If you do not live in the state of Pennsylvania and would like more information about becoming a foster parent, please go to Adopt US Kids to contact one of their foster care specialists. They will help you locate an agency local to you. Adopt US Kids believes that no parent is perfect, but they have a lot of love to give to a child in need.  

An expectant parent is making one of the hardest decisions in their lives when considering an adoption plan for their unborn child. It is the decision to put the needs of the child above the wishes of their own heart. In the past, often the weight of this decision was overlooked and was forced upon the expecting mother.  She was given little choice in the matter. However, now we want these mothers to understand the process and to be the advocate for their wishes.Read More »